A new Milestone

Part of me wanting to be a science teacher way back in the way back days is that I have an affinity for numbers. I have a friend who regularly posts on Facebook that Algebra is evil and will never be used outside the classroom.  I always reply that Algebra is your friend, and will always come in handy.  I can see her sneer every time I say this!

In my travels I have learned that more so than different religions, political parties, or even WSU and that other school in WA, those who like math and those who don’t will never understand each other.  EVER!

I will continue to hope that someday she will see the light…  But I digress!

One of the numbers I like to track are the milestone numbers.  The triple zeros at the end of the number.  Yesterday was one of those days… Continue reading “A new Milestone”

Racking Up the Miles: November 2015

November in the Pacific Northwest is greeted with a bid a trepidation. It is generally our wettest month of the year. It is also, pure and simple, often the wildest weather month of the year.  I have seen pounding rain, flooding , major windstorms, and freezing butt cold, ALL in the same month.  Wait, that was THIS year!  We had all four!

The only thing we didn’t have, much to my wife’s displeasure, is any snow.  Though in past years some of the most crippling snows in Seattle have occurred in November.

For cycling Tony, with this type of weather, one would assume the cycling sucked…. Continue reading “Racking Up the Miles: November 2015”

Racking up the Miles: Oct 2015

Thinking back to last year at this time, I remember stressing some about the miles I was getting.  To clarify a bit, I am not one of those who sets a goal for a year of a number of miles to hit, then come hell or high water I make it.  To me, miles mean exercise, and exercise means staying in shape.

Last year, as the fall hit, I was spending entirely too much time in Spokane training new hires. Since I was in a hotel, I was eating out, and when I eat out I enjoy my food and when I enjoy my food I don’t work out as much (especially when I don’t have a bike) and ,,,,

Yeah, I was a mess.  So this year, even though I am NOT away, I have a shorter bike commute, so I was worried about the total miles… Continue reading “Racking up the Miles: Oct 2015”

Milestone, Nature ride and “It’s because you are a COUG!”

This was a the perfect weekend for a long ride.  The weather was still cloudy and cool. It is 3 weeks until the RAMROD and the Manchild was not up this weekend.  Plus, once again Michelle was telling me YES you will ride!  Add it all together, it was the perfect day for to catch a ferry and do a century (100 miles) to Sequim and back.

image Continue reading “Milestone, Nature ride and “It’s because you are a COUG!””

Being an ex science teacher comes in handy

Sometimes you need to finally hit a milestone of some type to realize just how much or how little you have been able to do things.  One of those milestones hit today on the way home, and I did the math to see how long it had been since the last one…

Continue reading “Being an ex science teacher comes in handy”

Racking up the miles: April 2014

I don’t know what it is like where you are, but around here the weather has been screwy.  Earlier in the month we had serious wetness.  Where it would start to rain and then finally slow down in the afternoon.  We had a freak storm hit a park I used to cycle in, Point Defiance, and knock over a few 100 year old trees.  And yes, even a very rare tornado (just a tiny one) hit near a small town.

Then, out of nowhere, yesterday hit, and I rode home in 86 degree weather!  Today will be the same.  I admit, I am a wimp when it comes to heat, so I am looking forward to the mid 60s planned for the weekend.  Overall, though, its been an eventful month…

Continue reading “Racking up the miles: April 2014”

The time has come

With the help of Michelle I started this blog in January of 2013.  At the time, I had recently logged my 10,000th mile since 2008.  Anyone who has read this knows that many of my posts, in fact I’d say a large majority of them, come to me while in the saddle of my bike.

Funny thing, though, as I ride and then blog about what happens, I end up ADDING to the mileage total.  Today, I hit a new milestone.


Continue reading “The time has come”


You know, day-to-day, ride to ride, it’s the little things that matter. We all know that nothing is perfect all the time! I am willing to admit that some of my posts might not be as exciting or as fun as others (OK, they one or two might even be kinda boring!) That movie you have REALLY wanted to see, may not be that great. That meal you decided to splurge on, not that yummy. And not all rides are those memorable experiences we all hope for.

This being said, I like to share when I feel I have done something noteworthy. Tonight was one of those nights.


Yep, tonight the odometer on the bike hit 11000 miles!  Now I really wish I could say I hit this mark while touring the Oregon Coast, or crossing the finish line of a double century.  Hell, I wish I could say I was outside in he fresh air riding anywhere.

Nope, it was raining, already dark, and I was watching Prince Joffrey get hit with horse crap as he made his way back to the castle (Game of Thrones, Season 2 Episode 6, while riding my Cycle-ops rollers)

Now I knew I was only 7 miles from 11k, and I considered skipping my rides till this weekend.  But that would have been forcing it. Trying to make something special happen, that is not my way.   I hit the milestones when and where they happen!  I hit 9800 while on the STP last year, 10K was during a quick 20 mile run on the Burke Gilman Trail.  It is no less exciting!  I look around and I can count, probably on one hand, the people I know who have ridden this far or farther.

I honestly can not tell you any of the stories for 1000-9000.  No idea where I was when I hit those.  BUT, I can, and WILL share the overall stories of my journeys getting to where I am today.

Theres been wind, rain, snow, ice, sunburns, epic crashes, WAY too many flats, slow up hills and tear inducing downhills, rookie mistakes, and epic (at least to me) endeavors.  I have pedaled each and every mile that is on that bike, and I have at least as many left in me!

I hope Pope Francis will forgive me for stealing some of his thunder today, but I do want to thank all of you who read this for sharing it with me!