Remembering the Seattle to Portland!

So last weekend would have been the 2020 STP, the Seattle to Portland bike ride. 200 plus miles from the University of Washington to the Rose District of Portland. Close ro 10,000 of my best cycling friends ride it every year.

Covid cancelled the real ride this year, though Michelle and I will be riding the virtual STP starting Saturday!

On Facebook, people are posting memories of their rides. and it started me thinking of my 4 times on this one. I decided it was a good time to share them with you!

Continue reading “Remembering the Seattle to Portland!”

Week Three shelter in place and some serious miles!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you were able to have some fun!

First the important stuff. Michelle and I are both healthy, and still employed. It’s something we are very thankful for. We know not everyone can say this!

So, the third week of shelter in place is in the bag. Luckily for us, sheltering in place in Oregon means you can get outside to exercise. Looking over the last week, damned if I did NOT do just that! Continue reading “Week Three shelter in place and some serious miles!”

A short window of opportunity!

When I am at work and talking with other insurance companies, quite often I get asked by the big national insurance companies where the Mighty P, the company I work for, is based out of. Almost invariably, when I say Seattle, I hear. “Does it REALLy rain there all the time?”

I of course say YES IT DOES! We want people to think it looks like this

We try not to let people know that a lot of the time the Northwest really  looks like this!

If keeps down the crowds you know.

However, for as much as it does rain in Seattle, the Oregon Coast gets even more. Which makes it challenging to to be a cyclist here… Continue reading “A short window of opportunity!”

Cycling the Yaquina River

Everyone knows how much I love cycling along the Oregon coast. The majority of my miles this year have been between my house in Lincoln City, and Newport. Its a 25 miles stretch of road, much of it with views like this! Oh and yes there is a whale spouting!

I tell people all the time that I ride this route every chance I get, and I never get tired of it. There is ALWAYS something that makes the ride worthwhile.

There are times I want something different. Like today, since I was watching the Seahawks in the morning, I wasn’t able to ride until the afternoon. I try too avoid HWY 101 on Friday’s after work and Sunday afternoons. There are just to many people driving big ole Winnebagoes they aren’t used to.

So today I decided to ride the Yaquina River. Continue reading “Cycling the Yaquina River”

He’s our age???

This is something Michelle hears from me time and time again. We will be watching TV, or see someone when we are at dinner, or mention someone from work. And when I hear is is close to our age or younger, I do a double take… He’s our age???

Now for those who do not know, I hit the big double Nickel this year. Yep 55. I am a bit up there.

But, not to beep my own horn, the further I get, the more I am learning there is a HUGE difference between people the same age. Not all 55 year olds are build alike.  Continue reading “He’s our age???”

Riding the birthday years

Funny thing about us cyclists. We do our best to come up with reasons to ride. Just for the bragging rights and a patch, we will ride 200+ miles from Seattle to Portland in a day.

Or 150 miles and 10000 feet of climbing on a hot summer day.

But there doesn’t need to be a patch. Somewhere along the way some cyclist came up with the birthday years ride… Continue reading “Riding the birthday years”

The Corvallis 5K

It was a fun weekend! Y’all know that yesterday I rode 70 miles in the soaking rain, just because I could! But, in the same post I mentioned the reason we were in Corvallis was for the Corvallis 5K.

It was a very fun group of people who made the trek to Oregon State University just to travel 3.1 miles by foot… Continue reading “The Corvallis 5K”

Eyes were bigger than my tummy today!

You know that old saying, especially when you were a kid. It’s a big meal, and you fill your plate with a little of everything cuz you are hungry. Then not even halfway through emptying your plate, you realized there is NO way I shoulda taken on so much….

My ride was like that today…. Continue reading “Eyes were bigger than my tummy today!”

Because it’s there

I started reading a new book today. I know it will be shock that is has to do with cycling. In this case, it’s a cyclists who wanted to use her bike to cross Alaska in the winter. Yes, yes, I know the first thing that probably pops into your head is “WHY?? Why would someone want to do that?” (And for the record, I think cycling is Alaska would be amazing!! In winter it would totally suck!)

As the book starts, she tries to tackle the question She, and I, and many of us who push themselves get, WHY do you do stuff like this? Continue reading “Because it’s there”