It aint Hawaii but I am not complaining…

It is always hard to come home from a great vacation!  2 weeks ago we were in sunny Hawaii, and enjoying warm weather and just relaxing.

But alas, the time came to come home, and we had to leave paradise… Continue reading “It aint Hawaii but I am not complaining…”

The last month or so…

Funny thing about August, we all know it is still summer and there can be some hot days, but in the back ground we all know…

To this end, its time to start getting ready for the bad weather coming.  Add to it, with as dry as things have been, fire danger is still pretty darn high. This week last year, our world looked like this

There were huge fires within a few miles of of us, the power was out and we had to bug out.  It was not a good week at all.

Last year’s fires  made me get smart and buy a generator. This month I made sure I knew how to fire that sucker up!

Happy to report it fired right up, and I plugged in the rock tumbler, sure enough we had power! I am hoping not to have to use it, but we are ready if we do.

So what are the chances of a fire?

Check this out…

The last week of July I was walking the beach. I had JUST been down at this part of the beach agate hunting. I was walking back toward the car and was half a mile away from the smoke  when every siren in town was going off!  I was trying to figure out what was going on, and turned around to see this plume of smoke and the flames shooting into the sky!

I hotfooted (no pun intended) back toward the fire. There are houses on top of that hill.  I didn’t know what I could do to help but wanted to be there in case I could. Hats off to our local fire fighters who got there (at the same time dealing with a head on car/semi fatality collision) and knocked this sucker down within minutes. No loss of property or injuries.  No idea for sure how it got started, but it shows how dry we are, and how fast it can hit the fan!

The other big event of the month, dealing with the feral cats…

Somewhere along the line we have ‘adopted’ 5 feral cats

No these are NOT them!  I have to chase off the resident raccoon family pretty regularly, they love the cat food.

We have Kitten Kitten, Filbert, Nutsy, Scaredy, and the youngest, Peanut (Kitten Kitten is the mom and we are pretty sure Filbert is the poppa.)

We don’t want more kittens. So Michelle got ahold of the local human society, and the traps arrived. Peanut thinks they are the best toys EVER!

OK folks NO worries. These are humane traps. The plan is to trap them, then they are picked up spayed/neutered and brought back.

The first day we trapped Kitten Kitten, and 10 minutes later got a call that the vet had to cancel due to covid. Folks, that is the smartest cat of the 5. we would NEVER catch her again. The cat wrangler told us to hold tough, but not trap any more that day. He found a vet and picked her up.

Poor thing, good thing they did, she had somehow sustained a broken jaw!  They fixed it, and she is now in a cat halfway house for recovery and meds. We will see her again in October.

This last weekend the two big boys, Filbert and Nutsy were caught, and have come home fixed.

Poor Peanut though has been lonely, Michelle left the back door cracked, and look who came to visit.

If she decides she wants to move in, looks like we will have a new addition. Stay tuned….

There have also been outside activities for me  of course.

This year has NOT been a high mileage year, in fact, I am still, here it is September, and I am still under 1000 miles for the year.  I should hit it tomorrow though…

The bikes, these two shown above and the eBike,

Have allowed me to see SO many cool things this last month,

A juvenile bald eagle being pestered by seagulls

A smiling baby seal just a snoozing.

And of course the assorted blue herons

As always, when pedaling along, you see so much more that people in cars and you can pull over for the photos!  Love these guys!

Finally, there is just the back yard of our house. It is a place to escape the world and just relax. It is one of the reasons we bought the house, and if I don’t bike ride or beach walk

It is an excellent spot to decompress after work…

Aside from just sitting and relaxing, nature adds to the joy of the back yard!

It has been one helluv an interesting last month or so.

I have found an excellent place to stop for lunch on a bike ride

Found a cool piece of art for the house

And with fall approaching, I can stay awake long enough for sunsets!

Not that I needed it, August helped remind me how much I love living at the Oregon Coast. It refreshes the soul, relieves stress, and makes crappy days at work worth it.

I am hoping the next month has more bike rides, tide pools and fun adventures. Most of all, I am hoping there are no fires or evacuations needed. Send cooling and raining thoughts our way!

Thanks for stopping by!

The End of Day Light Savings Time 2020

This is always my least favorite week of the year. The end of Daylight savings means the end of afterwork bike rides for the rest of the year…

But first, as always, the important stuff. Michelle and I are still healthy and happy and employed, we are continuing to survive the global pandemic and avoid people as much as we can!

OK back to the post, the end of Daylight savings time! … Continue reading “The End of Day Light Savings Time 2020”

Social distancing Oregon Coast Cyclist style

Ok people, there aint no one who can say stuff is getting real. REI closed, baseball delayed, bars and resturaunts told to shut down, no wine tastings allowed, and lord knows finding a damn roll of toilet paper is like looking for the holy grail

This post is not to make light of what people are going through, pure and simple, it’s scary! Plus, most of the people Michelle and I have come to care for down here are in the service industry. It is going to be damn hard on them!

We are all going through stressful times though. We are being told to practice social distancing. Making sure there is a 6 foot buffer around us. Some people are taking this to mean “Stay home and hide!”

My gorgeous wife and I  think differently…. Continue reading “Social distancing Oregon Coast Cyclist style”

And it all happened in a week!

Ever come to the end of a weekend and think, “Wow, lots happened in the the last 7 days or so!”

Moving to the coast DID slow down things over all for us, in a very good way. However, there are still some weeks, busier that the rest…. Continue reading “And it all happened in a week!”

The 2019 Recap

So, its been a bit busy since New Years.  Shoot, since before Christmas!

Since I had the last two Wednesdays off, for Christmas and New Year’s Day, it felt like I’ve had 4 Mondays and 4 Tuesdays during that time…  It’s been a bit of a madhouse.

However, it is Sunday afternoon, chores are done, Christmas has been put away for the year, and its time to look back a bit… Continue reading “The 2019 Recap”

Fashionable it aint…

Looking at the calendar, one will see winter is here! The week before Christmas, between Thursday morning and Saturday afternoon, our back yard rain gage recored over 6 inches of rain! That was combined with some heavy winds for 18 hours straight!

But I am OK with that! I love stormy weather at the coast, its half the fun of living here. AND it made our Lincoln City Office Christmas party at Tidal Raves even that much better!

However, the one bummer is that the sun goes down WAY too early! Continue reading “Fashionable it aint…”

Autumn at the Oregon Coast

I first started to title this post “Fall at the Oregon Coast”. However, since I am a bike rider, where falls do occur, and my mom reads the blog (and worries) I decided to title it AUTUMN at the Oregon Coast.

OK, on to the post!

Most people visit here in the summer when the sun is warm, the water, although cold, is calm, and there is a good chance of no rain.

The roads around here start getting busy in May. Then from Memorial Day to Labor Day, the coast, especially on weekends, is hopping! We DO have traffic jams, and miles long back ups!

I can’t fault folks, it is VERY pretty down here during that time of year.  However, these last couple of weeks are reminding me why I am finding Fall I mean Autumn, to be my favorite time of year at the coast!

Continue reading “Autumn at the Oregon Coast”

He’s our age???

This is something Michelle hears from me time and time again. We will be watching TV, or see someone when we are at dinner, or mention someone from work. And when I hear is is close to our age or younger, I do a double take… He’s our age???

Now for those who do not know, I hit the big double Nickel this year. Yep 55. I am a bit up there.

But, not to beep my own horn, the further I get, the more I am learning there is a HUGE difference between people the same age. Not all 55 year olds are build alike.  Continue reading “He’s our age???”