Let Cycling Season Begin! (OK Continue!)

Here it is the beginning of February; much of the country is getting pounded again by snow.  We up here in Seattle are experiencing a Fraser Outflow.  This is when cold dry air comes flowing out of the Fraser River Valley in Canada and hits us.  We end up with temps in the teens and 20s at night, and barely above freezing during the day.  The sun is shining, but it has to, cuz it’s froze to the sky. (stolen from an old country song of the 80s)

With the cold comes a steady wind out of the north (10 -15 mph) which adds a wind chill to the temp.  Now add to this that I ride home GOING north, meaning into the wind.  It was a butt cold ride last night!  However, I carry enough layers that I was relatively comfy even after the sun went down.  However, it’s going to get even colder this week.

And with this weather, I came home to two things that tell me the Seattle cycling season 2014 is kicking off!  Continue reading “Let Cycling Season Begin! (OK Continue!)”

Getting my butt off the couch

Well folks, every year my wife gives me that knowing look, and says “What big rides are you going to do this year?”  Now truth be told, there have been years I have considered retiring from the big rides.  Think how much easier it would be to sit around all day, read, blog, surf the interwebs and watch TV.  Plus there is a certain someone in the house that would love more lap time.

imageBut then I stand on the scale like I did Thursday, and dislike what I see, and the best way to get me riding longer rides is to pay for big ride in advance.  If I pay for it I am riding it!  And most importantly, I really do like the rides I take.  So I have settled on organized rides 2014! Continue reading “Getting my butt off the couch”

It was a good cycling year

I promise this will be my last looking back at 2013 post.  After a day or two, I agree they get old. I mean come on, it is the January second already.  Shouldn’t I be on to inspiring people to get off their butts, get  into the saddle and ride!

Or listing my resolutions for the year, and setting the example for people to follow.  How I will remake my this, and ride this many times and do this many miles and….  Oh, wait, I forgot, LONG ago, I resolved NOT to make any resolutions any more, and I have stuck to it!

Plus I have a cold, (even though I did ride home tonight) and I am sitting sipping tea and thinking about the last year as far as my bike and I were concerned.

It really was a good year! Continue reading “It was a good cycling year”

It aint cold!

Anyone who’s read the blog lately knows its been cold up here in Seattle.  Teens and 20s cold.  For us, that’s almost as cold as it ever gets around here.  People far and wide are complaining about it.  The good thing is that the sun is shining.  These have been some of the brightest and clearest days of the year.  Though it makes you think you are in the refrigerator and someone left the light on!

Yesterday in Starbucks I heard someone ask a guy if he was cold.  The man had a very interesting reply.  He said, “Cold is only felt by those that just don’t dress for the weather.”  And he’s right.  In the summer, when it’s at its hottest, you can only take of SO much in the way of clothing.  Shoot, there are days you could be walking around stark naked, and you’d still be sweltering!

Cold, you can always put on another layer, or a hat, or warmer gloves or….  And then it hit me.  I was using the cold as an excuse to not ride….   Continue reading “It aint cold!”

The Challenge for the Rest of the Year.

It happens every year.  Sometimes as early as July, and other times not until September.  But yet yep, each and every year it happens.  Whatever goal (or in the case of this year) goals I set for myself have come and gone.  It’s time to look back and see how I did! Continue reading “The Challenge for the Rest of the Year.”

Rackin up the miles: August 2013

Well folks, here it is Labor Day weekend.  Traditionally the end of summer.  Thankfully though, it is not the end of cycling season in the Northwest.  Even though the rains and cold weather are about 45 days away, I don’t normally have to contend with snow (Quick to the a piece of wood for knocking!) so I can ride all year.

All in all, this has been an interesting month!  It seems like Michelle and I have been on the go non stop since it started!  We never quite know how we end up getting so busy so often, but we will sit, look at the calendar and suddenly realize we are swamped!  (You know, someone paying attention might think I am working my way up to an excuse for a lousy mileage total….) Continue reading “Rackin up the miles: August 2013”

When in Doubt use a Bike!

Please forgive the typos on this one, I am using the iPad!

I live and work in the greater Seattle area. This is quickly becoming one of the most bicycle friendly places in the country. We are getting more bike lanes, a bike share program, and the Cascade Bicycle Club does an amazing job.

This means I am used to seeing bikes put to many different uses. However, during my weekend in Port Townsend, I was impressed with the variety of uses the people of this little town by the water have come up with! Continue reading “When in Doubt use a Bike!”

The Man Who Cycled the World: Hugh Beaumont

I hadn’t read and reviewed a cycling book for a while.  So I went in search of one.  I like adventure books, tales of travel and adversity, and learning from others who like to challenge themselves.  I also like a book in which the writer can laugh at himself, and entertain me, while reading about is adventures.

I have read many a dry chronicle of mountain climbing, cycling and arctic travel n my times.  This one, from the synopsis on Amazon, looked like it would be a fun read. Continue reading “The Man Who Cycled the World: Hugh Beaumont”

Hi I’m Tony and I am an Over-Packer

Here it is, the day before we head south for 8 hours to Crater Lake for the big ride of the year (100 miles to the park and around the lake and back).  I made my run over to REI and picked up the requisite Shot Blocks (Black Cherry of course, WITH caffeine!) I’ve also made the run to the bagel shop to be able and make my breakfast sandwiches the morning of the ride.

I’ve also started the list of items to grab for the bike.  Therein lies the problem.  I HATE leaving stuff behind.  You never know what you might need!  Should I throw in the roll of duct tape?  How many CO2 cylinders should I bring?  Is one spare tube enough?  The small pump?  Tools?  OK it’s a supported ride, but should I bring the camel back?  Extra food “in case”?  Gotta have the swiss army knife!  Camera and batteries…. Continue reading “Hi I’m Tony and I am an Over-Packer”

I needed that!

Well, as we all know, real life gets in the way of cycling, or any workout for matter.  I believe cycling is affected more because of how long it takes for a “real” work out.  If I am going to ride 100 miles, for example, there is the getting to the place and getting home part, and then the 7+ hours needed for the ride.  So in essence all day.

Today I decided it was time to stretch the legs some.  Next week is Crater Lake, and I needed to get a longer ride in.  The best way to make this happen?  Get up early! I was at Starbucks at 6AM getting ice tea for Michelle and a breakfast sandwich for me, and I was off by 6:40.  This is the lake Washington Loop, which lets me leave my house, bike into Seattle, South to Renton and around the south end of the lake, then up the east side through Bellevue, Kirkland, Juanita, and over the north into Kenmore and back home.   Continue reading “I needed that!”