Racking Up the Miles: May 2014

There is only one way to put it, May has been one hell of an interesting month. Its been eventful on and off the bike, at work and outside of work.  Its been wetter than you can imagine and sunny as can be.  Yes May 2014 was fun!

I knew this month would be challenging bike wise.  It was bike to work month, and I am the captain of our team.  In fact, because of this, the first order of business tomorrow is to make sure everyone logs their miles so I can let the world know how we did.

I am very pleased to report that at least one of my teammates, John, has indicated he has fallen in love with the bike commute.  He plans to continue it throughout the summer.  My hope is by fall, it will become a habit, and he will become a year round commuter with me.  This is how I started a year ago, so we will see what happens.

I also knew that I would be missing a week of the bike commutes while on vacation.  (OK I can tell you right now I did NOT miss it at all.  That was my best vacation ever!)


And I walked every day.  I knew, though, there would be no bike miles at all that week.

With the Seattle to Portland coming up in Mid July, I was worried about not getting enough training miles in. I was getting to that paranoid stage where I start thinking I haven’t ridden enough.

On the plus side I knew I had a century scheduled for both the first weekend of the month and the last.  I also knew that would go a long way to counteract the missing bike days.  I will tell you though, the thoughts going through my head after each century were completely different.

After the first one, I thought I was screwed.  It kicked my ass.  Headwinds, heavy rain, ugly hills, I was honestly just happy I finished.  I also started wondering if I’d even be able to finish the STP, let alone better my one day time.  Yes our hero Mountainstroh was worried.

But the month went on.  I rode as many weekends as possible.  I got a 60 miler in, as well as some shorter rides.  I continued to ride as many days as possible to and from work.  Rain or shine, leaving early or working late, any day that I did not have to go to Federal Way to see the Manchild was a bike day!

The 2nd century ride happened on the 31st.  Normally, I take a break and let my legs rest for the week before a big ride.  I decided this was NOT an option this time.  If I wasn’t able to ride all week, then ride a century plus on Saturday, I shouldn’t even try the STP.  SO yep, I rode all week, and kicked butt on the century itself!  I ended up with 128 miles for the day.  I will fully admit I am dog butt tired today, and the legs are a little sore.  But at the end of yesterday’s ride, I looked like this.


More importantly, as I rode home, I started doing the math.  If this had been the STP, I would have had 72 miles left to go.  I had 6 hours left (after the hotdog and getting wine) before the finished line would have closed.  My legs we tired, but not dead.  I had enough in the tank that day to do the other 72!

I did the math twice, and then did a fist pump!!  Bring it on!  There are hills on the STP, but nuthin like I did this month (both trips) I got this!

Speaking of math, when I got home, I logged the final miles, and did the math.  I ran the subtraction and double checked the odometer 4 times!  Even with the week away, I matched, to the mile, my personal best total, 514 miles in the month May!  The last time I did this was May 2013!!

Even more importantly to me, last year I remember being flat exhausted, (and Michelle says a little cranky) after that much pedaling.  I will admit the legs are tuckered from yesterday, but I feel damn good, and ready to take on the world!  I will be riding home all week, and getting a ride in this weekend!

June will not be 514 miles, but I do have two long rides planned, one to Chinook pass, to get these legs in shape.  I have less than 45 days until the STP.  I am happy to say I am looking forward to it!

Like the wind folks!


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