My Back Yard

I am going to say something you rarely hear someone say here at the Oregon Coast:

It was a hot and sunny day!

No lie, we were well into the 80s today, with blue sky and sunshine

I am currently sitting on the back deck enjoying our back yard, which I love dearly.

I have been watching stellar blue jays breaking off sticks for nesting material, and I’ve been flicking these giant ants off my deck chair.

Yep, here on the coast, the first really warm day of the year, the male and queen ants fly into the air to mate. After doing so, the males crash and burn, and females go looking for a place to build the next. They are NOT welcome on our deck!

Sitting here got me thinking though, my back yard is not limited to the deck and trees outside the screen door. Truly, and I am so lucky to say this, my back yard is the central Oregon Coast.

I know how lucky I am to live here, and lord knows I do my best to get outside to enjoy it as often as I can.

Roscoe here, my fat tire bike, has taken me places, and shown me things that are so much fun this week.

There was the seal family I could see from the overlook I rode to,

The squadron of pelicans who buzzed me as I stopped to look for whales.

Ant the boiler at Boiler Bay that was high and dry from a serious low tide today!

Plusnthe green of the local wetland.

What I didn’t get a photo of was the first whale spout of the year. I was stopped, talking with Nicky, a coast thru cyclist. She was lamenting not having seen a whale on her trip yet. I was able to point out the spout for her, hopefully she has seen some closer since then.

My attention was taken away from the whale, though, by something I had only seen once before.

Right before our eyes, a bald eagle swooped down on a rookery and snagged a seabird, I believe it was a common murre, for dinner! I didn’t even think to grab the camera! I just watched at nature in action. Nature aint always pretty, not by a long shot. But if you make the effort to experience it, sit back and truly watch it, it will amaze you!

The beach walks have been memorable as well this week. Crashing Waves:

Some very cool sea glass

And one very old bottle that washed ashore! There was no note inside, and I debated taking it home with me.

In the end though, I left it. It looks like it has traveled for years. I am really hoping the tide came in and took it back out to sea to travel more. It just seemed wrong to put this on a shelf and never to be free again.

This is also the time of year for Velella velella – or By-the-Wind-Sailors, to wash ashore. These are jellyfish like creatures that float on the surface of the ocean, and the wind propels them to new feeding grounds.

This time of year the winds blow straight out of the west, causing them to come ashore and perish.

The thing about my back yard, is that nature comes to me as well. This week we had our first goldfinch visit the office.

Once again, more jaw dropping, though no real photo evidence, happened in the skies over our neighborhood. This bald eagle

Went head to head with our resident golden eagle

I was at my desk and saw these big birds in the air and I grabbed the big binoculars and ran outside (sorry customers I promise to call you back!)

These two we swooping and dive bombing, flipping upside down, and were duking it out for 15 minutes of so! I just sat there and watched in amazement as they battled.

In the end, the golden eagle chased off the bald and then took over the tree you see above.

In addition to the eagles and goldfinch, during the last week I’ve had visits from:

Pete the Possum
a Douglas Squirrel
a tiny chipmunk
evening Grosbeak
townsend warblers
assorted chickadees
and a osprey flying overhead with branches for the nest

I love our back yard! But I love it more because I take the time to get out and enjoy it.

Whether the bike, the beach walk, or the back deck, I just get outside and do my best to open all my senses to nature. Sometimes I hear it first, or catch a glimpse, sometimes there is a smell, and others its just a feeling something is there! Let nature come to you and be open to experience it!

So get outside, and I to your back yard, I bet it is bigger, and more amazing, than you think!

A mid winter’s ride

I woke up a couple of days ago, and noticed it was February. I have NO idea where the hell January went so quickly. It seems like just yesterday it was New Years. Work and weather combined to make this one helluva busy month, It was also very stingy on miles. I ended ups with only 235 for January. Over 100 less than the year before.

I can tell I am going to have a challenge this year: To not beat myself for not making the same miles from last year. Last year was a fluke and a record. I will get plenty of miles this year, but it doesn’t need to be as much as last year.

That being said, I wanted to kick off February well… Continue reading “A mid winter’s ride”

My Inner Geek was showing

As we all know, my way to keep in shape is the ride the bike.  Be it 5 miles to work or 100 miles in the mountains, keeping the legs moving keeps the body strong, the heart beating, and face smiling.

Michelle is a run walker, and her legs (very nice ones I might add) do the same as she cranks out her miles. On the weekend, I will drive her anywhere from 6 to 15 miles away, and drop her at the trail for her to walk back.  I meet her at Starbucks.

It works better this way as she just has to focus moving forward instead of picking a turn around spot,  and I will have an ice tea waiting for her at Starbucks.

I know, its rough duty for me… Continue reading “My Inner Geek was showing”

Racking Up the Miles: January 2016

Folks, the first month of 2016 has NOT been the greatest ever.  The weather has remembered it is supposed to be cold, or wet or cold AND wet. Not the best conditions for our hero to be pedaling in.

I also had one of my hardest crashes in quite a while, the back wheel hit slippery metal on the trail


and I crashed and burned.

And I  unexpectedly lost a dear friend. Yeah, January was not so great, but I kept the wheels a turning… Continue reading “Racking Up the Miles: January 2016”

And then there were 7!

Most of y’all who read this blog know than I am an avid reader.  With the invention of a Kindle app I am even more so!  I carry the iPad or phone with me everywhere, and when I have to wait for something for more than a minute or so, I bust it out and read for a bit. I’ve been a reader since the 4th grade when my dad handed me a Louis L’Amour western, The Sackett Brand, to read as my first chapter book.

I went on to read each and every one of his books, most of them twice.  In them I learned many many thing. “A man saddles his own broncs and fights his own battles”, “There is no stopping a man who knew he was right and kept on a comin” and, one that has saved my bacon more than once, “Always turn around and look at your back trail. A trail never looks the same on the way back as when you are on the way out.” There were many, many others, but who knew I’d find one that applied to today’s ride… Continue reading “And then there were 7!”

I might have caught him on the bounce….

My friend Terri and I like to tell a story about the time we babysat her niece and she fell off the bed.  We were sitting there, watching TV (probably the A Team, or MacGyver, or The Scarecrow and Mrs. King (hey it was the 80s)) and the kidlet was sitting between us.

For some reason, we both looked away, and she threw her self backwards off the bed!  I dove for her, but I was too late, and she hit the carpeted floor (she was fine.)  When her mom came home I explained that had she bounced, I woulda caught her! Mom was NOT amused…

I almost had a second chance this weekend…

Continue reading “I might have caught him on the bounce….”

Bikes and Nature

Folks, there is just no way else to say this.  This was NOT been you normal Saturday bike ride.  Right now, I am sitting on the deck of the Tides Inn, Port Townsend, WA.  Sipping wine out of a coffee cup. (There are no wine glasses in the room)  Listening to the waves off Puget Sound lap and looking at a ton of stars!  Its has been a good, albeit VERY strange day!  I will cover the first half here…

Continue reading “Bikes and Nature”